
After two days enjoying we want to get to Flores as soon as possible. Between Lombok and Flores lies the island of Sumbawa, where there is nothing to do according to the Travelapp. We get up early and shortly after noon we are on the ferry from Lombok to Sumbawa which takes only two hours. Again, we can drive straight up on the ferry but we have to wait long to leave because the ferry isn’t quite full yet.


On the Ferry to Sumbawa

From the ferry we already see that Sumbawa is very dry, like Lombok. The road close to the coast is in very good condition and there is almost no traffic. In the evening we arrive in the capital of the island, Sumbawa Besar. Here we find an internet shop with a scanner and get started with our authorization for our East Timor visa. The mail that we send to the Ministry of immigration cannot be delivered. It no longer exists? We send an email to the helpdesk but they answer with the same email as where we have sent our authorization to. We try again but again we get an error message. This means we have to get our authorization at the consulate of Kupang (Indonesian Timor) and hope they can do this in a few days’ time before our visa for Indonesia expires.


A Green Strip in Sumbawa

Driving in Sumbawa is like riding in the desert, with dry and hot wind with temperatures above 30°C. Although it’s dry here, the island has its charms. Occasionally we drive in green strips and there are also many goats and cows on the road. In the evening we arrive at the pier where the ferry to Flores sails only once a day at 08:00. It is a total of seven hours sailing to Labuanbajo in Flores. We look for a hotel close to the pier and in the morning at 07u00 we arrive at the counter to buy our tickets. We have to wait until 10u00 until the ferry finally leaves. There's a puppy in one of the pick-ups and we go there to give him some love. Kevin gets the idea to take the dog for a walk.




On the Ferry to Flores



Dry Landscapes in Sumbawa

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